Who am I?

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Chicago, IL, United States
Wife and mother of 6, lover of God, life, family, good food, good friends and good times!


Chicago Toy & Game Fair 2012 - Win a Free Family Pass!!

It's that time of year again...by now, every major toy manufacturer and retailer have mailed you catalogs of their best toy and game options for the Christmas season.  Your kids carefully scrutinize each page with visions of unwrapping their favorites on Christmas day.  They may even bug you about which ones they want and how well they'll behave from now until then (wink, wink)!  Well, if you're a big kid like I am, and you love to try new toys, games and/or press your child to invent their own, you'll love the Chicago Toy & Game Fair - and so will your little (and big) ones!

There's always something new and exciting each year at the Chicago Toy & Game Fair (Chitag)!  The event is held at Navy Pier Festival Hall on Saturday, November 17 and Sunday, November 18.  This year, come out and enjoy the Star Wars Character Lunch, encourage the creativity of your child and have them enter the Young Inventor Challenge, or enjoy the costumed characters in the Radio Disney Party Patrol.  There will be loads of entertainment, contests and just downright fun!  But don't take my word for it, go on over to http://www.chitagfair.com/ and get a preview for yourself.  

I am excited to offer FREE WEEKEND FAMILY PASSES this year!  All you have to do is submit a post on your favorite recipe of this site; tell me if you'd like to try it, have tried it, liked it, loved it or even hated it.  I just want to hear from you!  There will be one weekend family pass giveaway to one random winner each weekend.  Hope to see you there!


  1. I would love to try to the Warm Brown Butter BanaPineapple Cake and Easy Fruity pancake pie...yummmm. You're mixing together all my favorite things!

  2. This event sounds so fun! I really want to try your brussel sprouts recipe. I have never eaten them but this recipe sounds delish!
