Who am I?

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Chicago, IL, United States
Wife and mother of 6, lover of God, life, family, good food, good friends and good times!


The Best Thing Since The IPhone...Free Meal Planning For a Lifetime

For years now, I have been going through the bi-weekly process of browsing the weekly ads of my local grocery stores along with cookbooks and recipe blogs to figure out what fabulous (and frugal) food find would grace my family's palate for the week.  I think I am the reigning Meal Planning Queen (well until this pregnancy slowed me down a bit).  About a year ago, I joined a recipe site that would let me choose recipes based on specific ingredients, store them and print them out for future use.  It was a good site and I only paid $17 for a 6 month membership through one of the deal sites.  After 2 months, I became completely disinterested in the site...I can find my own recipes really...I needed something to help me look through these ads and match them to good recipes.  And with my having pregnancy brain - I'd prefer a site that I can pull up anytime, anywhere.  I can't tell you how many times I've left my nice, printed grocery list and meal plan at home.  And we all know going into a grocery store without a list or meal plan is D-D-D-Dangerous!

 My Food Budget Update (and Free Meal Planning For Life)

Well, fast forward to Monday!  I found the deal of a lifetime and (almost) exactly what I was looking for at www.foodonthetable.com.  This site is fabulous!  It still an emerging business so have some patience, however, if you're a busy mom like me, I know you'll love it as much as I do.  You start off by selecting your local grocers - you may not find all of them you frequent, but I did find a good portion of the stores in my area.  Even SuperTarget is included.  Next, you browse the stores ads for sales, choose the items you want to purchase and save it to your grocery shopping list.  Last, you select recipes based on the items you plan to purchase on your grocery list.  These recipes are created and tested by the company's chefs as well as rated and reviewed by other members on the site.  And most of the recipes have pictures - this is a huge, HUGE plus with me.  Recipes with no picture make me mad!!  In addition to all of this, you can even create and save your own recipes on the site so it's a perfect place to store your favorites while having the option to expand your meal horizons.

So why is this the best thing since the iPhone?  Simple...the iPhone is only as good as the useful apps that are loaded on it and Food on the Table has its own iPhone friendly app.  Yep, you can go to the grocery store and pull up that list (and check items off) right on your phone - prices, recipes, meal plan and all!  You can even link it to your facebook account!  Perfection!!!

So - for the creme de la creme - you get all of this and it is absolutely FREE!  That's right FREE...FREE for an entire lifetime...FREE is my favorite price!  But hurry, this offer only lasts for the month of April.  Use the promo code SPRINGFREE for this special offer.  When you sign up, add me as your friend on the site and we'll swap recipes.  Happy meal planning! ;)

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